September 22, 2009

"Competition Time!"

Welcome to The British Railway Series
“Create a Character” competition!

The competition will run until
December 20th 2009.

The rules are simple:
you must create your own engine character to appear in a BRWS Short episode.

Your character must appear in a youtube video introducing him or her self – for example, talking about their place of work, their hobbies (i.e listening to cricket on their driver's radio), favourite colour, whatever!

The title for competing videos must be:

"BRWS Character Competition - Name of Entrant & Name of Entry".

As an example, if I were to enter the competition, my title would be:

“BRWS Character Competition – Simierski & Stephen the Holden B12”

The video can be in any film form - modeled, animated, and so on.

All videos must be posted as a “Video Response” to the Competition opening video. There is no time limit to the video length.

There is a special “Mystery Guest Judge” for the competition. All decisions take by our mystery judge will be confidential and and all decisions will be final.

Now for the prizes! They are all items of 00 scale model railway equipment.

Firstly, there will be a special prize for “most original thinking” - the winner will win a model steam engine from the Hornby Railroad Range.

10th, 9th, 8th, and 7th places will win a truck from the Hornby Railroad Range.

6th, 5th and 4th placed prizes will be a model steam engine from the Hornby Railroad Range.

3rd , 2nd and 1st prizes are very special indeed.

Your created characters will be modelled in 00 scale by yours truly, and then filmed
for a BRWS short (with names of creators in beginning and end credits).

After filming, the models will be shipped out to their new owners with a DVD of the short in
question (and a special treat included on the disc too)!

The overall 1st place winner will also receive this specially made model of the character "Gronk".

If you are placed within the competition and are due to receive a prize, you will be required to email a name and postal address in order to receieve your prize. Prizes will not in any way be reallocated.

So – get your camcorders out! Put your thinking caps on! Get out those history books – and come up with the best original character you can think of.


Breakdown of the Competition Rules

1. The competition supervisor reserves the right to disqualify any entries that break copyright law, abuse individuals or groups, take part in "trolling" or otherwise bring the competition into disrepute.

2. There is only ONE entry allowed per Youtube Account.

3. All entries MUST be posted by 20th December, and as a Video Response to the Competition Video. There will be no exceptions.

4. Winners MUST send a legitimate mailing address in order to receive their prizes. No personal contact details will be revealed or otherwise made public at any time.

5. Remember to have fun!

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