July 31, 2013

"Tale of the Unnamed Engine...will be on sale shortly!"

I absolutely loathe last minute hiccups! So it was with today's intention to have the book on sale for the first time.

The first hiccup is the PO Address - which is not ready to give out yet (entirely my own fault!) and the second hiccup is the Paypal address, also giving some problems. I intend to have to have these problems fixed by the end of the week. Please accept my sincerest apologies for the wait yet again, however it's for the best to get the bugs sorted so we don't have any problems ordering.

In the meantime, anyone who wants to buy a book can reserve their copy by emailing us at the address on the "contact us" page and requesting a reservation.

Postage and packaging costs to be confirmed by close of business tomorrow.

The final thing - and the BIG NEWS - you may remember that buying the eBook would entitle you to money off the paperback book? I am extending the deadline to the 30th of September 2013, to allow everyone to have the offer (because the deadline for the tokens expired a few months ago)

More on this as it develops this week, however I thought I'd give an indication of the finished product, which looks utterly fantastic. Photographs do not do it justice. Dean's artwork looks grand, inside and out, and the writing is all perfectly printed on high quality paper.

Not long now everyone!


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